Thank you so much for contributing content or becoming a regular contributor of The Pursuit Collective. Not all articles/stories submitted will be published online or in one of our printed volumes. We will do our best to utilize each story submitted but ultimately our editorial team reserves the right to decide which articles will be published to TPC while also reserving the creative freedom to make changes as needed.
All content is contributed on a donation basis and no payment and/or goods are exchanged for the content submitted. The Pursuit Collective reserves the rights to publish and distribute any content submitted according to our discretion while crediting each contributor accordingly for their submissions.
As we are working to build our team of contributors, this would include writers, editors, photographers, and videographers. It is our hope to establish a group of regular contributors that would be contributing content on an ongoing and consistent basis. While we work to target a very specific demographic of individuals, it is imperative that each of our contributors understands the culture we are striving to reach. Our editorial team would love to encourage you to exercise creative liberty as you curate original content but we ultimately want each contributor to use discernment with the goal that each article invokes thought, encourages questions, and equips and empowers individuals for meaningful conversations centered around the pursuit of Jesus Christ. Spend time in prayer. Seek the Lord for His direction as you write. Remember:
Age Group: 15-30. Those actively a part of the art, music, and/or action sports communities.
500 - 1,000 words.
SURF, SKATE, ART, MUSIC, TRAVEL, *MORE (Use discretion with writing an article that doesn’t fit directly under one of these categories listed).
Once you have been established as a contributor of The Pursuit Collective, you will be able to email directly each new story or content to our editorial team. For your initial request to become a contributor or to submit your first article, please use the content submission form on our website.