Published in  
February 13, 2025

Through The Lens: Brazil

Brazil is no doubt a main vein in the action sports world. Between skateboarding and surfing, Brazil offers some of the best in the world, and it seems like the country is rallying behind the action sports industry as a whole. Because of this, we are reminded that the harvest is plentiful, yet the workers are few.

There are indeed plenty of souls in need of the Gospel in Brazil; we’ve witnessed it. While Godly action sports leaders are some of the strongest leaders you could ask for, it’s also true that there are only a few of them. This trip allowed us to connect once again with our good friend and brother in Christ Bob, who has faithfully served the skateboard community for what feels like a lifetime.

Bob has such a deep heart for the Skaters in São Paulo and an unwavering boldness to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus. We had the honor of witnessing Bob reap a harvest he had been sowing for many years as he baptized one of his disciples, John John. Additionally, we were blessed with the opportunity to love on and witness Christian, another leader in the Brazilian skate community who Bob has been pouring into for sometime now dedicate his life to Christ!

The fruit of someone’s faithfulness is a beautiful thing. Though it takes time, energy, and even heartache, seeing fruit often times is the thing that will keep you pushing. What a joy to celebrate John John’ and Christians massive steps in faith and Bob’s obedience to continue making disciples.

We ask you to pray for Bob as he continues to pour out his life and serves obediently to his call to make disciples within the Brazilian skate community. Pray also for us as we continue to pioneer the launch of a Ride Nature Headquarters in Brazil with the desire to equip and empower leaders all across South America for years to come!