Published in  
August 21, 2024

Through The Lens: Mexico

It’s been over two years since I've led an international mission trip with Ride Nature. I've really felt the Lord impress on my heart to earnestly pray and seek where He wants me to go and build relationships so the work we set out to do has a genuine impact on the Kingdom and the local community! As each trip is unique in its own way, this one will always stand out to me. 

Our hope for mission trips is to reach, serve, and inspire. Witnessing all of that unfold in just a few short days was epic. This trip to Mazatlan was unique as it brought our current discipleship students overseas to apply the tools and training they learned during their time in the program. The impact of their training was evident as they grew in confidence in their testimonies and their giftings to evangelize, teach skating and surfing, and build community in real-time. It truly was a radical and beautiful experience!

Most of these students were reasonably new to their faith, and seeing them step out of their comfort zone to proclaim what Jesus has done in their personal lives prompted so many others to step out and ask questions about their beliefs.

Although this was their first time in Mexico, it wasn’t Julio’s (our Director of Discipleship in Oceanside, CA.) When YWAM Mazatlan launched, Julio led people from his local church down annually for roughly 12 years. Skate and surf outreach laid the original foundation, and the seeds Julio planted all those years ago were clearly evident. We had adults come to our events just to see him! It was epic to learn that some of these groms had given their life to Jesus at Skate church all those years prior and were now standing before us, grown up with families and careers, still holding fast to their faith. It was such an encouragement to see how something as simple as a local skate church gathering can significantly impact the lives of individuals and that it was still producing fruit!

Our final focus on our time in Mazatlan was to serve through surfing. We hoped to provide free lessons to the locals and offer some time in the Word through a surf camp. Although we had hoped to connect with those who maybe couldn't afford a board or lessons, this outreach was mainly geared toward the children of those who work on the YWAM base. I grew up being a pastor’s daughter, and rarely did people think that I was someone who needed to be poured into or sought out and encouraged, but the truth was that I deeply needed it! In typical Godly fashion, the Lord reminded us of this exact truth. So, being able to host these camp days for them was truly uplifting for me and a beautiful reminder that we all need time in community and the outpouring of love from fellow believers.

Witnessing God move as immediately and intentionally as we did during our time in Mazatlan has us anxiously awaiting the opportunity to return and serve once again!  

Until then, please join us in praying that the Lord continues to guide and direct the people of Mazatlan. Thank you all for your support in helping us carry the Good News of the Gospel to the ends of the earth!