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October 4, 2024

Through The Lens: Morocco

Traveling to Morocco was truly a surreal experience. With such a high Muslim population and strict laws against evangelism, it was difficult for us to envision what this trip would look like. Knowing that we had some incredibly faithful ministry partners already established in the country, we decided that our efforts would be best served if we laid some foundations for additional ministry to flourish after we were gone.

Our friends and co-laborers with Christ, Yasin, and Abi welcomed us with open arms. Together, they lead a YoungLife group in Fez, Morocco, where they spiritually pour into the youth in their city. Six years ago, we had the opportunity to bring some skateboards to them to be utilized as tools for ministry. This time, we had the privilege of building a mini ramp for the kids to skate on the YoungLife compound. Unfortunately, this project was more difficult than we had initially anticipated due to the lack of access to quality wood and steel in Fez. But, with some patience, creativity, and flexibility, we devised a plan to build the mini ramp!

Time was of the essence as we only had four days to spend with Yasin and Abi in Morocco, but praise the Lord, we finished the ramp in three. It was a humbling experience for us because while we spent a lot of time and hard work building the ramp, we didn’t personally have an opportunity to utilize it for ministry due to having to hit the road early the following day for travel. But we were reminded that often, this is what it looks like to be co-laborers in ministry.

The Lord allowed us to plant a seed, and we have faith that He will use Yasin, Abi, and many others to water those seeds and hopefully allow them to witness the fruit that comes forth. We’re repeatedly reminded that we all play different roles and have each been given various gifts to serve the body of Christ best.

Paul spoke of this in 1 Corinthians 3:6 when he said, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” In our case, we built the ramp. Yasin and other leaders will do the ministry, but God will give them the growth! It is an honor to serve behind the scenes and a blessing to prepare the way for others to reap the harvest.

Missions and ministry can look like a lot of different things. At times, it is actively sharing the Gospel, while other times, it can come as support. In Morocco, we were proud to be able to support the ministry that is already being carried out in Fez. When we returned home, we received a beautiful video from our friends thanking us yet again for building the ramp, and in that video, kids filled the ramp that will, Lord willing, hear the good news of Jesus. Moments and videos like these fill our hearts with joy and remind us that our labor is not in vain. We are confident that the work carried out will be a foundation upon which others will build to grow the kingdom of God. We pray that this ramp will point countless kids in Fez to Jesus for many generations to come.

While they will never know our names, we hope they will all come to know the name above every name, the name before which every knee will bow, and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord of all!

All Photographs By: Rafa Alvarez

Thank you again for your prayers and continued support as we strive to carry the good news of the Gospel To The Ends of the earth!